Inglês 25/03/2021

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Professor Clayton O.
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Respondeu há 3 anos
Inglês I- Underline the correct alternative in parentheses. 1. He (washes ) the boat and ( fixes) the equipment. 2. I usually (write ) in my diary at night. 3. Peter often ( goes ) dancing on weekends. 4. My brother ( studies ) French twice a week. 5. You often ( arrive ) late. 6. She usually ( brushes ) her hair before going to sleep. 7. My parents ( live) in São Paulo. 8. Fred (buys )newspaper at the corner. II- Complete the sentences. Use the verbs below in the simple present tense. meet – teach – catch – close – open – speak - do 1. In Britain the banks usually __open_ at 9:30 in the morning. 2. The City Museum __closes__ at 5 o’clock in the evening. 3. Tina is a teacher. She _teaches____ mathematics to young children. 4. My job is very interesting. I _meet__ a lot of people. 5. Paul _cacthes__ the bus to school at 6:30. 6. Helen _does___ her exercises in pencil. III- Unscramble the sentences. 1. Fred – Madri – in – lives. _Fred lives in Madri_______________ 2. in – study – the – I – morning. _____I study in the morning_________ 3. parents – on – work – my – weekends. _______My parents work on weekends_______ 4. have – two – and – cat – dogs – we-- a. ____We have two dogs and a cat________ 5. and – Julie – I – are – friends. ___Julie and I are friends__________

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Professora Eduarda R.
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Respondeu há 3 anos

I- Underline the correct alternative in parentheses.

1. He WASHES the boat and FIXES the equipment.

2. I usually WRITE in my diary at night.

3. Peter often GOES dancing on weekends.

4. My brother STUDIES French twice a week.

5. You often ARRIVE late.

6. She usually BRUSHES her hair before going to sleep.

7. My parents LIVE in São Paulo.

8. Fred BUYS newspaper at the corner.

II- Complete the sentences. Use the verbs below in the simple present tense

1. In Britain the banks usually OPENS at 9:30 in the morning.

2. The City Museum CLOSES at 5 o’clock in the evening.

3. Tina is a teacher. She TEACHES mathematics to young children.

4. My job is very interesting. I MEET a lot of people.

5. Paul CATCHES the bus to school at 6:30.

6. Helen DOES her exercises in pencil.

III- Unscramble the sentences.

1. Fred – Madri – in – lives. FRED LIVES IN MADRI.

2. in – study – the – I – morning. I STUDY IN THE MORNING.

3. parents – on – work – my – weekends. MY PARANTS WORK ON WEEKENDS.

4. have – two – and – cat – dogs – we-- a. WE HAVE A CAT AND TWO DOGS.

5. and – Julie – I – are – friends. JULIE AND I ARE FRIENDS.

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Professor Dennes C.
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Questão 1:









Questão 2:







Questão 3:

1-Fred lives in Madrid

2-I study in the morning

3-My parents work on weekends.

4-We have two dogs and a cat

5-Julie and I are friends.

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Professora Tamida F.
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quando nos referimos a terceira pessoa do singular numa frase afirmativa, usamos sempre o 's'; 'es' ou 'ies' no final dos verbos. 

Ex: My mom washes the car. (My mom = she = terceira pessoa do singular)

My parents live in Rio. (My parents = they = terceira pessoa do plural portanto não vai 's')

Espero ter ajudado a compreender.

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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Respondeu há 3 anos

1. He WASHES the boat and FIXES the equipment.

2. I usually WRITE in my diary at night.

3. Peter often GOES dancing on weekends.

4. My brother STUDIES French twice a week.

5. You often ARRIVE late.

6. She usually BRUSHES her hair before going to sleep.

7. My parents LIVE in São Paulo.

8. Fred BUYS newspaper at the corner.

II- Complete the sentences. Use the verbs below in the simple present tense

1. In Britain the banks usually OPENS at 9:30 in the morning.

2. The City Museum CLOSES at 5 o’clock in the evening.

3. Tina is a teacher. She TEACHES mathematics to young children.

4. My job is very interesting. I MEET a lot of people.

5. Paul CATCHES the bus to school at 6:30.

6. Helen DOES her exercises in pencil.

III- Unscramble the sentences.

1. Fred – Madri – in – lives. FRED LIVES IN MADRI.

2. in – study – the – I – morning. I STUDY IN THE MORNING.

3. parents – on – work – my – weekends. MY PARANTS WORK ON WEEKENDS.

4. have – two – and – cat – dogs – we-- a. WE HAVE A CAT AND TWO DOGS.

5. and – Julie – I – are – friends. JULIE AND I ARE FRIENDS.

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Professor Alan M.
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Professores particulares de Inglês

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R$ 130 / h
Clayton O.
Macaé / RJ
Clayton O.
5,0 (8 avaliações)
Horas de aulas particulares ministradas 29 horas de aula
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Inglês para Business Inglês Profissional Inglês para Todos os Níveis
Mestrado: Mestrado em Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino de Idiomas (UFMG)
Business English. Inglês para Negócios e Mercado de Trabalho. Destaque-se Agora! Agende uma aula e descubra.
R$ 70 / h
Roberto M.
Parnamirim / RN
Roberto M.
4,9 (128 avaliações)
Horas de aulas particulares ministradas 4.714 horas de aula
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Inglês Instrumental para provas Inglês - Conversação para adquirir fluência Cursinho Pré-Vestibular em Inglês
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
Bem-vindo à plataforma! Você deseja aprender Inglês? Então, espero seu contato para organizar seu plano de aulas personalizado!
R$ 100 / h
Clau A.
São Paulo / SP
Clau A.
5,0 (90 avaliações)
Horas de aulas particulares ministradas 2.052 horas de aula
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1ª hora grátis
English Comprehension Inglês para Business English Fluency
Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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