Bear With Me or Bare With Me? | Profa. Érika de Pádua
Por: Erika P.
24 de Fevereiro de 2017

Bear With Me or Bare With Me? | Profa. Érika de Pádua

Inglês Online Writing Ortografia

Bear With Me or Bare With Me? | Profa. Érika de Pádua

A Internet está cheia de usos equivocados de homófonos em expressões como bear with me e bare with me.


Bare with me não significa o que você está pensando!


O verbo bare significa “to reveal” ou “to uncover.”


A expressão correta, “bear with me,” significa “be patient with me.”



The speaker asked the audience to bear with her while she searched for the correct graph.

Sorry, until I find the graph you will have to bare with me.

Como se lembrar da ortografia de bear with me

Você ainda está perplexo?




Aqui está uma maneira fácil de diferenciar bear e bare.


Você aprendeu que bear, como substantivo, significa “to endure.”


Em sua forma substantiva, bear se refere a um grande animal peludo.


Combinar estas duas definições em uma frase engraçada te ajudará a lembrar que a expressão correta é “bear with me,” e não “bare with me.”


A patient bear will always bear with you, but an impatient bear just might devour you!


If you can bear with me, a protest implies more than opposition, but rather accusation and rejection.
Eagle News Online

Please bear with me for the next few minutes because you are about to read the most self-indulgent column I have ever written – and as I’ve been writing these weekly Wednesday missives for the past 30-odd years, that’s really saying something.

“Thanks for ‘bearing’ with me all these years…. especially my super clever comedy,” he wrote alongside a photo of the two brothers posing with a bear.

“Two and a half weeks in to learning how to play the piano,” [Channing Tatum] explains in a black-and-white video posted to his account. “Bear with me, this is going to be brutal.”



Um abraço da Profa. Érika de Pádua!

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