New ideas, new words: Textalyzer | Profa. Érika de Pádua
Por: Erika P.
16 de Janeiro de 2017

New ideas, new words: Textalyzer | Profa. Érika de Pádua

Inglês Online

New ideas, new words: Textalyzer | Profa. Érika de Pádua


Complete o texto com as palavras abaixo!

A ___________________ that would let cops test your phone to see if you were texting before a car crash. The ACLU is skeptical, but the only “private” information it ___________________ is whether or not you were willfully ___________________ lives.







A device that would let cops test your phone to see if you were texting before a car crash. The ACLU is skeptical, but the only “private” information it gathers is whether or not you were willfully endangering lives.




Um abraço da Profa. Érika de Pádua!

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