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Theorical part of letters

Inglês Business English Writing General Ajuda
Peço ajuda por favor 1. Letters are understood as one of the way of communication between people. Then with point, in a consive way, provide me the different between convering letters and general business lettere 2. Put a tick in the box beside the corrct answer. When you write an informal or formal letter you always put your address on: The top left corner The bottom left hand corner The top right hand hand corner The date of a letter always goes: Under your address under your signature Under the greeting When you do not know the name of the person you are writing to you begin your letter with: Dear Sir Hi dear sir/Madam In a formal letter when you know the name of the person you are writing to the sign off you use is: Yours faithfully Yours sincerely Lots of love You are writing to a person called Ronan Quinn, who is the manager at Sports World. You want to complain about a tracksuit you bought. The color has Faded after one wash how would you begin the letter? Daer Ronam Dear Mr Quinn Dear Quinn You are writing to the principal of a school. Which sign-off would you use? Yours faithfully Your friend Love
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