Por: Natalia R.
26 de Julho de 2018


Multiplying your paths

SPINNING THRU LIFE – Multiplying your paths

Everything is cyclical.

Thus, you will most likely be back to a certain point in life but it will always be transformed. Not because of the place, but because your reactions to that returning point can be entirely different. It’s another moment, it’s another you…

You might think that you’re back, but that is not possible. The wheel keeps running forward; therefore the time, the surroundings and the energy flow is unique to each exact moment.

You might have seen things in one specific direction, and that direction doesn’t even exists anymore. Maybe that path wasn’t a good one sometime, but perhaps now you can see the good side of it.

Yes, everything is also dualistic, has a good and a bad side. The good thing is we have the free will to choose and a chance to cross that point again.

It’s all about choices, chances and changes; the growth of your being.

It’s not a matter of being at the same place but a matter of understanding the same place as a diverse one, as a different movement, a different world thru the new perspectives and responses of your every changing self.  

By aligning ourselves with the energy of the moment we can transform our experiences, bringing new results and taking full advantage of the paths constantly created on the cycle way of life.

When we understand and accept the natural flow of spinning thru life it becomes easier to course the uncountable possible ways of the path.  

It is the power of awareness.

Natalia W Ramos

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Natalia R.
São Paulo / SP
Natalia R.
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