What are the most expensive elections ever?
Por: Eric A.
19 de Novembro de 2020

What are the most expensive elections ever?

hint: It happened during a pandemic

Inglês Intermediário Geral Comprehension Cultura

The 2020 US elections were held on November 3rd and it is not yet over. I know, I know, you must be so sick of it, but that is another day's subject. Today I want to open that blog talking about the costs of the campaigns.

According to the BBC News, the price tag for these elections is expected to reach the total of approximately $14bn. That is double the amount spent in 2016, and it is turning out to be the most expensive in history.

In this video they explain all that money in details, and who paid for that. Check it out.

BBC News - US election 2020

In your opinion, is it a well spent money?


R$ 60 / h
Eric A.
Eunápolis / BA
Eric A.
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Cultura Inglesa English Comprehension Inglês do Cotidiano
Graduação: Línguas Estrangeiras Aplicadas (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC)
Professor de inglês com experiência internacional e mais de 10 anos no ensino da língua. aprenda com aulas dinâmicas e personalizadas.
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