how to make fast fourier transform in excel
Por: Bruno A.
19 de Fevereiro de 2019

how to make fast fourier transform in excel

fft in excel

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The term fast Fourier transform (FFT) refers to an efficient implementation of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) for highly composite transform lengths . When computing the DFT as a set of  inner products of length  each, the computational complexity is . When  is an integer power of 2, a Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm delivers complexity , where  denotes the log-base-2 of , and  means ``on the order of ''.

Such FFT algorithms were evidently first used by Gauss in 1805  and rediscovered in the 1960s by Cooley and Tukey

DFT is a linear transform which takes as input a complex signal x of length N and gives as output a complex signal X of length N, X=Wx. W is a complex NxN matrix with entiries W_k,n=exp(-2pi*k*n/N), where 0untill k, n unitll N. DCT is a linear transform which takes as input a real signal x of length N and gives as output a real signal X of length N. It is computed by taking DFT of the signal y of length 2*N which is the concatenation of the signal with its reverse, that is y={x[0],...x[N-1],x[N-1],...,x[0] }. Since y is symmetric its DFT is real. FFT is a collection of algorithms for fast computation of the DFT. Typically the number of operations required by the FFT is on the order of N*logN. The most famous FFT algorithms are for the case that N is a power of 2, but there are FFT for prime orders and for different other factorizations.


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