This abandoned town has been filling with sand for 50 years
Por: Guillermo T.
07 de Julho de 2016

This abandoned town has been filling with sand for 50 years


Kolmanskop was once full of life. The former diamond mining town, located in the Namib desert in the south of Namibia, was home to over 1,000 people.

They had a ballroom, a hospital, and a bowling alley among other amenities, but by 1954, it was completely abandoned.

Australian photographer Emma McEvoy visited what's left of the town in November 2015 and took stunning photos of the empty homes filled with sand in her series "Sandcastles". 

Keep scrolling to see inside the ghost town.

"From the outside, the buildings actually look rather unremarkable," McEvoy tells Tech Insider in an email. "They blend into the bleak and barren landscape."

"From the outside, the buildings actually look rather unremarkable," McEvoy tells Tech Insider in an email. "They blend into the bleak and barren landscape."Emma McEvoy

But she explains that once you get inside the homes, the walls are vibrant and colourful.

But she explains that once you get inside the homes, the walls are vibrant and colorful.Emma McEvoy

"The wallpaper is different in each room and the contrast of these incredibly colourful, old, peeling wallpapers and the sand is so surreal," she says.

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