Perguntas de inglês

Inglês Ensino Médio

Ola poderia me ajudar a fazer essas 3 questoes ?

1. We hope that by the end of 2050, more than a thousand plays ______ in this new theater.

a) will have being staged

b) will be being staged 

c) will be staged

d) will have be staged 

e) will have been staged


2. Don’t even try to get in touch with me on my vacation. I _______ in Europe.

a) will be traveled

b) will be 

c) will be traveling

d) will trave

e) will have


3. Hurry up! If not, the plane _____ by the time you get to the airport.

a) will have left

b) will leave 

c) will be leave

d) will have leave

e) will be leaving

Foto de Marta P.
Marta perguntou há 1 ano

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Professor Miguel R.
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Marta, veja:

1. E 

Future Perfect or Future Perfect Simple (futuro perfeito ou futuro perfeito simples) é um tempo verbal usado para indicar ações futuras que estarão concluídas em um determinado tempo no futuro.

Muitas expressões são utilizadas com esse tempo verbal, por exemplo: before (antes); by (em, no, na); by the time (quando); until (até), etc.

2. B - futuro simples: will + infinitivo 

3. A - future perfect: will have + particípio

Espero tê-la ajudado. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro. 

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Professor Michael F.
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E - B - A

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Professor Clau A.
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Respondeu há 10 meses

Olá Marta. Segue abaixo as 3 questões respondidas:

  1. We hope that by the end of 2050, more than a thousand plays ______ in this new theater.
  2. a) will have being staged
  3. b) will be being staged 
  4. c) will be staged
  5. d) will have be staged 
  6. e) will have been staged ??


  1. Don’t even try to get in touch with me on my vacation. I _______ in Europe.
  2. a) will be traveled
  3. b) will be??
  4. c) will be traveling
  5. d) will trave
  6. e) will have


  1. Hurry up! If not, the plane _____ by the time you get to the airport.
  2. a) will have left ??
  3. b) will leave 
  4. c) will be leave
  5. d) will have leave
  6. e) will be leaving

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Nenhum usuário votou nessa resposta como útil.
Professor Daniel O.
Respondeu há 8 meses

1. We hope that by the end of 2050, more than a thousand plays will have been staged in this new theater.

a) will have being staged

b) will be being staged 

c) will be staged

d) will have be staged 

e) will have been staged


2. Don’t even try to get in touch with me on my vacation. I will be in Europe.

a) will be traveled

b) will be 

c) will be traveling

d) will trave

e) will have


3. Hurry up! If not, the plane will have left by the time you get to the airport.

a) will have left

b) will leave 

c) will be leave

d) will have leave

e) will be leaving

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Michael F.
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Advanced English Gramática em Inglês Inglês para Todos os Níveis
Graduação: Comunicação Social - Publicidade e Propaganda (Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau)
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R$ 70 / h
Roberto M.
Parnamirim / RN
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Inglês - Preparatório para o ENEM Inglês - Inglês Instrumental para provas Inglês - Conversação para adquirir fluência
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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Clau A.
São Paulo / SP
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CAE Preparation Inglês - Travel English English Comprehension
Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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